7 impacts of high sugar intake on gastrointestinal health
It isn’t uncommon for people to consume sugar through foods like coffee, cookies, and other products. Furthermore, the ingredient could also serve as an energy boost whenever needed. However, sugar is one of the most unhealthy ingredients for the body, especially for individuals who are at risk of diabetes. Poor gastrointestinal health is one of the main complications triggered by high sugar intake. Some early warning signs associated with excessive sugar consumption are listed below. Eating more frequently Many individuals might eat more frequently once in a while, and this is okay. However, if an individual has the urge to overeat more regularly, it is advised to consult an expert. This warning sign is associated with high sugar intake. Excessive sugar consumption could prevent the stimulation of insulin, which could increase the production of ghrelin, a hunger hormone. As a result, one may be affected by lower stimulation of leptin – a satiety hormone – in the body. Low leptin levels could make one feel hungrier than usual and drive them to eat more frequently. Therefore, individuals experiencing unusual eating habits must consult a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause. Bloating Bloating occurs when the gastrointestinal tract gets filled with air.