9 common side effects of periods
Most women experience symptoms before their period starts as part of premenstrual syndrome. These symptoms may occur five days and two weeks before their menstrual cycle begins. Some side effects may also occur during and after a period. For example, the pain experienced during a menstrual cycle can differ from one woman to the next. That said, here are nine common symptoms of periods that one should be mindful of. Headaches Studies show that more than 50 percent of women who get migraines report an association between their occurrence and period. The hormones in the body trigger the pain response. This is why fluctuating hormonal levels can trigger such painful headaches. For example, migraine attacks can occur before, during, or immediately following menstruation. Furthermore, some individuals can experience a migraine attack during ovulation. Mood swings One might experience multiple symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). And these could be much more taxing on their health than the physical side effects of periods. Before and during a period, the hormones rise and fall, which can affect a person’s mood. For example, one might experience side effects such as depression, mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. While changes in one’s mood cannot be avoided, getting good sleep, avoiding caffeine, and staying active can help manage these effects.